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A family fun summer

This summer is a slow yet busy one in our home.
Carlie Sanderson.

This summer is a slow yet busy one in our home. We are on the home stretch of our renovations, which feels so good to be done, but it's a whole different ball game when you have three wild boys! I'm excited for when the entire house is done, top to bottom. It will be nice to look back on it, and to walk up the steps to new siding, rather than the ancient siding that was on it before.

Besides renovations, we are just working on getting the hang of having our third addition. It's definitely been an adjustment and a whole new dynamic in the household, a juggling act, if you will, as we are officially outnumbered.

Rather than doing a bunch of summer camps this year and sports after sports, we are keeping things close to home and spending lots of time as a family, seeing family near and far as much as we can, which is quite the long drives. We are also popping into different kids' programs and groups, as it's, of course, nice to get the kids out of the house with their friends, burning off that energy! 

One of our favourite adventures we've done so far is visit the Calgary Zoo. It's always such a fun time to see the animals. A big favourite of the family was the gorillas and the polar bear. How cool! A lot of the time, the animals are sleeping or far away in the enclosure, but this time, a lot of them were up close to the glass, providing a really fun experience for the boys. The otters would dart up and down swimming down past the glass and up over the rocks, which was funny to see.

My sister is also visiting with her kids this month, so it will be another fun-filled family event with five kids spending time together. This is what it's all about. Once the weather improves I'll be setting up a bunch of water fun in our backyard, which the kids love.

For us, the summer is almost a little break before September, when school and sports ramp up. My two year old will be getting into more sports this year, which will be exciting for him, as he's been used to watching his brother. The second born I find is always the most adventurous, at least ours is! He's been climbing and running since he was just a little guy, always wanting to keep up with his brother, who is much more cautious. I'm excited to channel that energy into sports, which I think he will enjoy.

Our oldest will be going into the four-year-old program this year, which is so hard to believe! They can stop growing so fast any time now!

Other than that, we are sticking pretty close to home, with hopefully a trip to Ontario planned some time soon once all the renovations are done.